Friday, March 14, 2008


OK, y'all I have to have the sweetest husband is what happened. I am not what you would call the brightest person sometimes...I can be very "absent-minded" as Jim likes to call it. Well, anyway, we have this new coffeepot (which is the best wedding gift ever, might I add - it grinds and then brews the coffee)...anyway, we love this coffeepot and are very spoiled by fresh ground coffee every day. Jim is the one who usually sets up the coffee every night so it is ready when we get up in the morning. Well, Wednesday night, I thought I would be the good wife and do it since he had worked hard all day and was very, I got it all ready and turned on the program and we went to bed. Yesterday morning, we woke up to the sound of the grinder and thought nothing of it...I got up and got in the shower like normal. When I got out and was getting ready, I heard Jim doing stuff in the kitchen and wondered what he was doing...he hadn't brought me my coffee yet (yes, I am super husband brings me my coffee every morning after I get out of the shower). So, I finished in the bathroom and went to get dressed. Jim said, "I have some bad news...there's no coffee." And he has this grin on his I knew it was something I did wrong...I asked what it was...he said I didn't want to know...then after we went through this a few times...he said it was the immediately occurred to me that I hadn't put the caraffe back in after I filled the pot with water. So, yes, the coffee went all over the kitchen and yes, Jim had cleaned it up without saying a word...I asked him if he was cursing me the whole time...he said no...I'm not sure if I believe him...he said that the "absent-minded" thing did come to mind, though. I told him that the coffee pot was his job from now on. Then, last night after I cleaned it all wouldn't work when he went to set it up...oh, was I scared...this wasn't a cheap pot, y'all and we've only had it a couple of weeks. He unplugged it and left it worked this morning...WHEWWWW!

So, to sum it all up...I am so blessed to have such a PATIENT man love me and I thank God every day for him.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

OK, here it is...this is my favorite picture out of all 355 that were taken on our camera...too bad we aren't looking at this camera...oh, well...I still love it.

I have finally gotten all the wedding and shower pictures onto the computer but have figured out that our internet speed way out here in the boonedocks (did I spell that right?) is not super fast so it might take me a while to get some pictures put on here. I did want to share this one with y'all.

Jim asked me today if I had posted anything new on the blog lately...I said no and asked why...he said he was just wondering if I had told y'all about the chickens...I said no so anyway here goes. There are 2 places along the highway where there are chickens that just roam freely along the side of the road...I found this very strange at first and was worried about them running out into the road in front of me. Jim said not to worry because he has never seen them out in the road. So, I no longer worry but still find it weird that they know not to go out into the road...maybe chickens are smarter than we think...something to ponder. That's my story about country life for today.