Monday, May 12, 2008

Mouse Update

OK, it occurred to me this weekend that I never finished the mouse story so here goes.

Jim came to town that afternoon and looked for the mouse...didn't see anything so he drove my car to church and then home and never saw the mouse. We stopped and got some mouse traps on the way home and set them in the car that night. Jim came in the next morning and said there was good news and bad news...good news - caught the mouse...bad news - there were 2 of them. Double EWWWW!!!
Then being the wonderful husband that he is, he let me drive his truck to work while he kept my car at home and thoroughly cleaned it out to make sure there weren't any others (all this on his day off - isn't he the best?). He then set the traps one more time that night to make sure they were all gone. There was nothing in the traps on Friday morning and we have seen nothing since then so I am confident they are gone.

That sure was some excitement for this city girl!

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