Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Heart Attack

OK, so I think I had the ultimate experience in country life...or if not, this is not something I wish to experience again. I was driving to work this morning in a huge rainstorm (raining so hard you can barely see) when I stopped at the end of our road getting ready to turn on the highway. I looked left and then right and when I looked right, I saw it, scurrying across the floorboard on the passenger side of my car...A MOUSE! Oh my gosh, I about had a heart attack right then and there. I called Jim (yes, on my cell phone, in the pouring rain) and told him I found the mouse...well, I think we must have a family of them living in our house because we have seen evidence of them and Jim has found 2 floating in the dog's water bowl in the garage. I think he was a little surprised that it was IN MY CAR...yeah, so was I! Anyway, he said he would look for it tonight...but in the meantime, I have to get in the car and go to lunch and then to church tonight...maybe I will let him drive it home after church and I will drive his truck. I drove the rest of the way to work with my feet up off the floor. I know they won't hurt me, but they are just so NASTY! Anyway, I think I am scarred for life after that one...I think my heart has just now slowed down and that was 2 hours ago...I feel like I need to have my car fumigated! YUCK!!!

1 comment:

Barbara Chamberlin said...

WOW! I am so impressed that you even managed to keep your car on the road... I'm sure I would have been driving all over the place... not to mention the delay caused when I would have pulled over and refused to keep going until the mouse willingly vacated on his own. THAT is a great city-girl-moves-to-the-country story.